I empower new yogis
to explore their physical and mental potential and take charge of their own practice.
Are you struggling to take your first steps towards the best version of yourself because you feel stuck and afraid?
It’s tough dealing with fear, low self-worth and physical limitations…
The good news is that Yoga On The Road supports a whole approach to your health and empowers you to take charge of building a deeper connection to your mental and emotional self and wellbeing. Yoga can assist you to peel away the layers that limit and restrict you, to reveal a more vital and present YOU!
And with consistency and practice (yes ‘time’), you’ll begin to feel lighter; with a renewed sense of motivation, energy and confidence, that allows you to continue to move towards what it is you desire.

Meet Anita
I’m a yoga instructor and mentor for anyone seeking positive change in a wholistic way. After years of personal yoga and life practice, I strive to move you in the direction of being your own supporter.
Advocating yoga is due to a life-(time) of excuses, fear, self-sabotage and low self-value. Over 50 years of life experience, around 30 years of home yoga practice, 200+ hours of training and commitment to learning and 6 years of teaching. I feel well-equipped to support you through and towards the very things that supported my own personal growth.
What I do is different because I value you as an individual as much as I do seeing myself in your shoes. My intention is to support your own fears with encouragement, your own excuses with accountability, your sore and tired bodies with functional movement and your heavy heart and mind with new inspiration and ideas to consider.
So, if you have stumbled here, it may not be by accident! If you are looking to move towards a more motivated self, a clearer mind, a more vital body or simply being part of a safe and supportive community of like-minded humans – then you’ve arrived.
Ready to begin your journey towards your personal physical and mental freedom?
Here's How I Can Help You:
These tutorials mindfully guide you through the individual components of practice to build a routine that flows. They are designed to generate warmth, interweave breath and build your body awareness, which in turn connects you more fully to the present moment.
These packages are tailored specifically to meet YOU where YOU begin. Catering to your personal needs, comfort and individual health goals.
The online education hub for aspiring beginner yogis (or total newbies!) to yoga fundamentals.
Learn how to build a meaningful home yoga practice and turn it into a daily habit!
We take you from setting up the space (physically and mentally!) to implementing it in your daily routine in a simplified series of steps.
Not sure where to start?
Sometimes our personal goals are so much easier to express and connect when shared with an unbiased listener. This call provides that opportunity for you to really define what you desire and helps us build a plan that mindfully supports that journey.
Book your FREE Discovery Call to learn more
What our New Yogis Are Saying

Read the latest blog posts here!

Three Ways to Prop Up Your Yoga Practice
If you are new to yoga and yoga props, let me introduce you to three magic pieces of equipment that are a part of my personal practice and yoga teaching toolkit.

Six Tips to Starting and Sustaining a Home Yoga Practice
The Two-Minute Rule states “When you start a new habit, it should take less than two minutes to do.”
If a home yoga practice appeals to you, then what are you waiting for and what do you possibly have to lose? (If your answer is two minutes, then you might just be missing another opportunity to set you on your way to a sustainable and enjoyable practice). Rolling out your yoga mat and sitting to contemplate where you wish to take your home practice, is the beginning of a habit AND an important starting point.

Finding The Right Yoga Teacher For You
Beginning Yoga can seem a daunting prospect – just by the very nature of moving into a new and unfamiliar environment. All sorts of things can arise and become a challenge that can potentially sabotage your experience, before you’ve even rolled out your mat.